About Us

Light of the Gospel Ministries began in 2013 when the Lord led our team to an orphanage in Mexicali, Baja California. With the support of Light of the Gospel Church and volunteers, we began building a laundry room and a computer lab for the children. The orphanage was a home to fifty children who slept in a trailer with minimal space. God opened the door for us to build a large sleeping quarter tohouse the children and the staff who dedicated their time towards the orphanage. We built a classroom and provided an English teacher so that the children may be equipped with language skills when they begin to look for jobs. We saw the Lord’s gracious hand upon us as he faithfully provided everything that was needed to accomplish all of this.
God continued to expand our ministry and guided us toward evangelism. He began leading us to various rehabilitation centers throughout Mexicali. We saw the mighty move of God as he touched, healed, and restored people’s hearts from all addiction and oppression. We came preaching the simple message of the gospel and started to see the fruits of repentance and salvation in centers and local parks.
Our team currently goes to Mexico every 2-3 months visiting orphanages, rehabilitation centers, community parks, and local churches. We stand firm in the belief that the gospel and the love of God should be spread out into all the nations.